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Neuropathic Pain

Ketamine for Neuropathic Treatment

While once known only for its status as an FDA-approved anesthetic, ketamine is now hailed as the forerunner of breakthrough science when it comes to treating neuropathic pain and other mental health disorders.

Neuropathic pain, sometimes referred to as nerve pain, is pain that is caused by direct damage or a disease that affects the somatosensory nervous system. In layman’s terms, the pain is caused by damage to the nerves themselves.

Read more to learn more about how Summit Ketamine Innovations in Parker, CO can help relieve your symptoms and give you the resources you need.


How Does Ketamine Help with Neuropathy?

One major benefit of ketamine is the rapid pace of relief that it offers, as opposed to traditional methods that could take up to days or weeks to notice. Research is still ongoing in terms of how ketamine can help treat those suffering from chronic pain, but it is believed that ketamine helps foster new connections between synapsis and restore damaged nerve connections.

When infused at a low dose into the bloodstream, IV ketamine treatments can bring about relief in up to 70% of patients who suffer from symptoms of chronic pain.

Please schedule an appointment today with Summit Ketamine Innovations to see if we can help you restore some quality back into your life utilizing Ketamine for Neuropathic Pain Treatment.

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